Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Day 154 Sept 10 Mon - Mountain Peak Camp 40km to Bartin - Bartin

Worn out front brake pads

Asmara town at the back which I did not visit cos' away from the main road
Bartin town center
Baral Hotel - 25 ytl - BEFORE

Today's Distance: 40km
Today's Temp: 16 - 26c
Average Speed: 12.3 max: 57.5
Time on Bike: 3 hr 16 min
Average climb: 6% max: 17%
Trip Altitude: 705m max: 433m
Today's spending: 38 ytl
Total Distance to date: 9943km
Total spending to date:372.45 ytl

This morning woke up early to replace the brake pads as I knew they were badly worn out. This was the 1st change since Beijing. Only changed the front ones as the rear were still good from a better quality. After the changed and did the fine alignment,I really felt good and safe going downhills. I gave myself a thumb-up "Good Job, Meng " as normally I am very lousy on brakes adjustment. Rode into Bartin at 1.00pm without realising . Bartin is not that big town as compared to Samsun but luckily I managed to cash out 100 euro to 166 ytl at Garanti Bank finally , after went thru' 4 other banks unsuccessfully. A real hassle and shame to a big name of Americon not Xpress. Settled in Baral Hotel for 25 ytl. Needed a really good rest.

Day 153 Sept 09 Sun - Village Icy-tap Camp 15km to Cide - Mountain Peak Camp 40km to Bartın

Abandoned bricks & wooden houses
Mountain peak camp
Long coastline with strong and high wave in Cide

Top view of Cide town
At the town roundabout

Today's Distance: 64km
Today's Temp: 16 - 24c
Average Speed: 10.3 max: 55
Time on Bike: 6 hr 09 min
Average climb: 7% max: 19%
Trip Altitude: 1471m max: 447m
Today's spending: 6 ytl
Total Distance to date: 9903km
Total spending to date:334.45 ytl

I was beaten twice again by the steep slopes and had to get down to push. The slopes were just too steep for my tired legs especially so at the bent corners. The weather is getting very cold and I had to put on another layer. At night to sleep with my thick sleeping bag. Cide town has a very long coastline but the sea waves were just too strong and high for anyone to go near. Campsite was at the top of the peak at 413m high.It has been 7 days of wild camping since Samsun.Tomorrow I should be in a big town called Bartin.I badly need to cash out my traveller cheque,I'm left only with 20 ytl as you can see I spent little for the past 3 days, to recharge my camera batteries, to stay in an otel which accept visa card and of course 8 days of journals to update in Internet.

Day 152 Sept 08 Sat - Pine Forest Camp 2km to Doganyurt - Village Icy Tap Camp 15km to Cide

Village icy-tap camp next to the road
I want to remember this man.....why?
Because he brought me all these.....

Another type of fruit with a sweet aroma of wine

Self-timer shot
Another hill top rest
The valley where the town is

Doganyurt town

Not many of these wooden house left,many were built now in concrete
Doganyurt from another side of the hill

Today's Distance: 64km
Today's Temp: 20 - 26c
Average Speed: 9.9 max: 47.5
Time on Bike: 6 hr 25 min
Average climb: 6% max: 30%
Trip Altitude: 1569m max: 466m
Today's spending: 6 ytl
Total Distance to date: 9839km
Total spending to date:328.45 ytl

Yesterday the thunderstorm only came with thunder but no storm,another lucky day no wet tent to carry.Today's ride registered the most altitude climb 1569m,the most ave climb 6% and also the steepest climb of 30% ( pushing of course). It required lots of gears change and I was caught a few times on downhill with my mid gears ration of 2x8,then the road suddenly went steep climb after the corners and it needed a low gear ration of 1x2. I had to stop ,make a u-turn to correct my gears ratio,forcing might caused the chain to snap. I am glad so far the bike stood up well against all odds. The highlight for today was being offered lots of fruits, tomatos , onions, cucumbers,grapes and a big nan bread from a village old man, who often came to my tent to see whatelse he can give. The next morning he came to say good-bye to me and I took a picture of him so that I won't forget to remember such a nice man.

Day 151 Sept 07 Fri - Rockcliff Camp 5km to Abana - Pine Forest Camp 2km to Doganyurt

On one of the hill peak, as usual taking a rest first b4 going down hill
What a perfect spot for a camp with running mountain icy cold water
Got to wash my sweaty clothing with tree branches as hanger
Another Meng's special- spegaties with sausage,onion,tomatos,chili powder as topping

A model house of Turkish style in front of a restaurant in Inebolu
Pulic facilities of wooden table & chair to relex beside the sea in Inebolu
Inebolu town
Looking down to the sea coast from the road

Today's Distance: 60km
Today's Temp: 20 - 28c
Average Speed: 10.5 max: 58
Time on Bike: 5 hr 43 min
Average climb: 5% max: 15%
Trip Altitude: 1046m max: 394m
Today's spending: 4 ytl
Total Distance to date: 9775km
Total spending to date:322.45 ytl

It was a day's ride with no sun light but cloudy groomy sky.The rain did not come heavy but enough to make the road slippery. I had to be extra careful when negotiating down hill corners. any mistake , you find yourself 100m down to the sea. Met 2 cyclists from Holland Erik & Cher who had cycled thru' Czechs,Hungary,Romania,Bulgaria going to Iran before taking a flight to India,China and South East Asia. We exchanged useful info. The weather up in the forest was very much cooler after the rain and when you stopped for a rest , the chilling wind blow on your wet sweaty clothing. I was shivering in cold , Brrrrrrr!!!!! By 5.30 pm ,the sky didn't look good and seemed heading for a thunderstorm . Hopefully my tent is waterproof to weather the storm.

Day 150 Sept 06 Thu - Mountain View Camp 8km After Ayancik to Rock Cliff Camp 5km to Abana

This man brought some bbq fish and bread to my tent
my tent set almost on the edge, but full of rubbish

I walked almost to the edge to take this picture - scary

Looking from the top .my tent on the right
Beautıful rock formation

Rockcliff viewed from the road
Mountainous coastline

Road workers Turkeli town

Smart kids of Turkeli

Today's Distance: 63km
Today's Temp: 24 - 32c
Average Speed: 12.4 max: 62
Time on Bike: 5 hr 15 min
Average climb: 5% max: 13%
Trip Altitude: 615m max:407m
Today's spending: 16.9 ytl
Total Distance to date: 9715km
Total spending to date:318.45 ytl

Yes! I opted for the coastal road again. Not really along the sea,the road sometimes went inland to the mountain 5-6 km from the sea and that's where the steep climb started, narrow & winding passing thru' small villages,then you enjoyed a long downhill back to sea level.The mountain & sea views were more & more beautiful.Old people like to gather in tea stalls where I often got invited to join them. Tried to cash out my 100 euro travellers cheque in Turkeli but was unsuccessful cos' the bank don't has the specimen to refer. A group of small kids were thrilled at my arrival,they followed me to everywhere even to the bank.They are smart kids and never tried to annoy me. My campsite was on a flat grass land with a walk-up view of a beautiful rock cliff.