Fruits in Turkey taste very gooooood!
Teh session in cai stall ( no tarik no milk,just plain tea and the cube sugar on the table)
Saturday market busy with all people but Sunday is very very quiet
Samsun vıewed from my top balcony
A Giant mosque just next to where I stay
Today's Temp: 22 - 34c
Today's spending: 39.10 ytl
Total Distance to date: 9414km
Total spending to date: 266.55 ytl
Surprisingly,Sunday morning in Samsun was so quiet as I walked down from the hotel looking for a good breakfast but all the shops were closed except for some tea or bakery stalls.Very few people on the street probably still in bed.Some just sat at the tea stalls and seemed satisfied with that little cup of tea ( cai in Turkish) which I could finish off in one go.There was no hot noodles or rice just bread & cakes.I couldn't find any can foods in meat or fish or instant noodles in supermarket,they are my vital source of foods during camping. My alternative foods shifted to beam in can,sausages,onions,tomatos,cucumber, fruits are plenty.So no more can sardine,beef or chicken in Turkey.Leaving tomorrow,most probably still following the coastal road as I heard the scenery is very beautiful than the inner road which usually used by the express buses & trucks going to İstanbul.