Saturday, June 30, 2007

Day 71 Jun 19 Tue - Sanchakou to Siker

Today's Distance: 100km

Temp:22 - 34 c
Average Speed: 18.2
Time on Bike: 5 hr 18 min
Ave climb: ?
Trip altitude max: 1249m
Today's spending: 80.5 rmb
Total Distance to date: 4908km
Total spending to date:4546.50 rmb

Sanchakou in mandarin means "3 junctions" Going west is Kashi,going south is Hotan in Tibet. There is very few towns ( I rather called them truckstops),the people and business depends heavily on the passing trucks and express buses.Petrol station,restauran,shops,food & drinks stalls cannot surviveif the trucks/buses don't stop here. I did not pass a single town or village today after 100km ride but I always carry enough foods to deal with such situations.Siker ,a very small village almost 100% with Uyghur domination,can't find a chinese eatery stall around but was lucky to find a miserable stay for 10 yuan. It was a formerly workers hut somewhat was converted into a stay by this man alone. A very strange man don't give you a damn,he will sleep all days and I had to wake him up everytime I need something.Tonight's dinner is home cook porrigde and a pack of beef noodles. Very miserable!

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