Saturday, June 30, 2007

Day 65 Jun 13 Wed - Farm 29 to Luntai

Today's Distance: 131km

Temp:25 - 36c
Average Speed: 15.9 ( Heater)
Time on Bike: 8Hr 13 min
Ave climb: ?
Trip altitude max: 10110m
Today's spending: 70 rmb
Total Distance to date: 4216km
Total spending to date:4270 rmb

Flat!Flat!Flat &!! Is the only highlight for today;s ride.Many many cold drinks and watermelons stops. at 7.30pm arrived at Luntai still under very bright hot sunlight. The time in Xinjiang ,4000km west of Beijing but still follow the Beijing time which is similar to Malaysia time. So practically you still can ride under bright sunlight by 9-10 pm.

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