Sunday, April 1, 2007

Thank you for the Publicity --- SIN CHEW DAILY

Publication on my dream B2P ride by one of the most read Malaysian chinese daily - SIN CHEW DAILY on 2nd April . Sin Chew Daily responded quickly to my call-up and on the same day arranged an interview in my house the next day. Nice photos and fantastic story.Thanks to Miss Yap Ching Wee,the reporter and her photographer Mr Tan.


Anonymous said...

It's great to see there are Malaysians participate in these sort of challenges and events, and you are one of them.

Not only me but other Malaysians will support you in essence. We're proud to be Malaysians because of your bravery and your future achievement.

I went to Beijing before. I've posted a short write together with photos about my trip overthere in my personal weblog. You should feel free to visit some of the interesting places before the event starts. Just a click on my name which is above this comment and you would be able to get to my blog.


(I realised Sin Chew has printed your blog URL wrongly with an extra of "r". Luckily I also have a blog in blogspot, then only able to find out the mistake.Is it necessary to tell them about the error?)

Thighland Meng said...

Thanks Daniel for visiting my blog.Glad to know u r Ipoh mari,but u sure not the sumbung type. I am fr k.kangsar only 45km north of Ipoh. Regarding the blog error, i too noticed it and had called them for correction ,maybe this will take 2-3 days. I dont get the meaning of " Gambathe" , can anyone help besides Daniel?

TriStupe said...

dear sir,

i wish you all the best and all the luck in this trip of yours. It may all seems impossible, but you were there to stand up and tell the rest to shut up as you will make it possible.

I will link you to my blog, so i could monitor your progress from time to time.

ps- datukship waiting or not when come back? ;-)

Anonymous said...

mission possible! i'm so excited for you and wished i could do it.

Best of luck to you!

Thighland Meng said...

It's great to know at least im not alone there,it's b'cos of u people willing to spend sometimes offering encouraging /uplifting comments,im sure to battle on...Datuk or not,who care!!!

Mei Leng said...

Had a great dinner with Meng and his gangs, he is leaving tomorrow, wish him all the best .

****** GO GO GO ******

****** GAMBATHE***** means ka yau.

Take care and you will always have our support with you along the journey.

Swan said...

"OHAYO" Meng, all the best...make sure you don't "BLUR BLUR" your final destination it should be "PARIS"...don't end up others place...OK :)


Thighland Meng said...

Mei leng / Swan . Finally both of u found time to comments. We had a great dinner together , hadn't we?

Swan said...

Hi Meng,

Ya lah great dinner & company. Where are you know, always let us know your location/PERJALANAN.

Take Care....