Monday, November 19, 2007

Germany - At a glance

1. Total no. of Days : 8 ( Day 196 - 203)
2. Total no. of Ride Days: 8
3. Total no. of Rest Days : 0
4. Exchange Rate : 1 euro = Rm 4.80
5. Total Money Spent : euro 149
6. Total Money spent(Rm) : Rm 715
7. Ave Money Spent per Day : euro 16.2 or Rm 89.40
8. Total Ride Distance : 598 km
9. Average Ride Distance per Day: 74.75 km
10. Highest Km Ride in a Day : 100 km on Day 196
11. Longest Hour Ride in a Day : 5 hr 43 min on Day 199
12. Most Enjoyable Moment : Castle View Camp in Honau
13. Most Disappointing Moment: Bike lanes with gravel ad grass
14. Most Enjoyable Food : Hostel complimentary breakfast
15. Most Hate Food : non
16. Most Beautiful Town visit: Bad Gerisbach/Bad Peterstal & Oppenau in Black Forest


Matthias said...

I see you have made it all the way to Paris and now are enjoying London. I am the tall guy from the 4 Germans with 5 years of experience in Malaysia who stopped you in Freudenstadt. The others are Mario Koch (male), Dorothee Lindenkreuz (green jacket) and Gabi Malschinger. Good luck!

Thighland Meng said...

Hi matthias,
Finally got to see your comment.I love Freudenstsdt,nice place to visit especially the old market place with the music fountain.If ever comes to Malaysia again,pls let me know,we can have a chat in the mamak store with teh tarik and roti canai together.

Marco Räpple said...

He there, my name is Marco and I was born and raised in Bad Peterstal in the Black Forrest where you came through on you spectacular bike trip. Maximum respect for the courage to do such a trip. For me I'm planning also a big trip. It's gonna start by August this year and will take at least 1 and a half years. The precise route is not clear yet but the emphasis of the trip will be East Asia, Australia & New Zealand, South America & if money and time is left North America. If you come through Germany angain till summer feel free to contact me and we might have a coffee together while chatting about travelling! My email Take care! Marco