Sunday, July 1, 2007

Day 77 Jun 25 Mon - Wuqia to Wild camping Bilakashi Bridge

Today's Distance:59 km
Temp: 25 - 41C
Average Speed:10.3 max:55.5
Time on Bike:5 hr 43 min
Ave climb:3% max:12%
Trip altitude:1038m max:2808m
Today's spending:13.50 rmb
Total Distance to date:5263km
Total spending to date:4900.50 rmb

Another day of hard ride fell short of 35km to Ulugqat.The continuous climbing of this Pamir Mountain pass of above 2500m has taken up all my energy,fully exhausted and my stomach also not feeling good,don't really knows the rootcause,is it water?food?or the tough ride itself? Kansu was the last town after 18km of riding,with the climb continue and we realised that with this speed of 5-8kmh,we will never make it to Ulugqat.Time alrdy 6.30pm,sun still shinning bright & hot but we were too tired to carry on,so wild camp seem definate!We spotted a nice campsite beside the brigde.We had enough food but not Heather and I took turns to stand at the roadside with an empty bottle to wave on passing trucks for water.We managed to get more than needed.Chinese trucks drivers are indeed very nice!

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