Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Day 42 May 21 Mon - XingXingXia to Camel Hoop,a small town not in GPS or maps

Do you like to cycle here......?

Dried beef noodle with vege on top for 8 rmb
Toll booth at XingXingXia

We saw 3 of this trucks overturned by the roadside.The drivers must be sleepy or tired on this sort of road.
Camel Hoop is how I direct translate from this

XingXingXia town looking from top of the hill behind our "cell"
Cell number 6 where we stay in XingXingXia
It properbly needs a master of engineering to make sure the giant pipes don't fall on the road
Sayonara,your days are numbered...
Yellow flower plant wildly found on this desert land

Today's Distance: 140 km
Average Speed: 19.9 max: 69.0
Time on Bike: 7 hr 01 min
Ave climb: 2% max: 16%
Trip altitude: 416 m max: 1869 m
Today's spending: 43.5 rmb
Total Distance to date: 2972 km
Total spending to date: 2430.50 rmb

"Absolutely Incredible " is what Heather and I experienced for today's ride. After having breakfast lamb soup and "Hua Quen" or steam flower-like bread for 5 rmb .We hit the road at 8.45am,then we were entertained to a series of wonderful downhills with superb mountain sceneries and then the wind also changes from a gentle to a strong tailwind,the view of the mountains was so close and clear as though we can strecthed our hands to touch them.Sometimes it really hard to make a stop to take pictures while you enjoyed the momentum of downhill.The road surface is a newly paved tarmac with excellent holding,that makes riding smooth and enjoyable. Mind you,they are now building another highway parallel to this.By 2.00pm we already done 100km,if not for wind changes,we could have continue to Hami with this speed which is another 60 km away.We were lucky as we were not sure whether this small little town " LokThouQuenZi " or " Camel Hoop " exist or not.

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