Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Day 168 Sept 24 Mon - Wild Camp In Stoykovo to Highway Shell Petrol Station Camp

A rest stop at the petrol station cafe section
A1 & E-80 highway from Edirne to Sofia
Shell station and Mac Donald on opposite sides of the highway
A surprised campsite - Shell petrol Station open 24 hours

Today's Distance: 133 km
Today's Temp: 12 - 29c
Average Speed: 20.7 max: 48
Time on Bike: 6 hr 22 min
Average climb: 1% max: 6%
Trip Altitude: 482 m max: 296 m
Today's spending: 4.7 lev
Total Distance to date: 10884 km
Total spending to date: 9.05 lev

Bulgaria my 2nd day still looked unimpressive,except for that poorly maintained highway of A1 & E-80 ,there was practically nothing much worthy to lift my camera.I was told the scenic area is at the coast line along the Black Sea region where most of the European tourists frequent. That was my original planned route,but somehow or rather ended up to Sofia ! Maybe this is a quicker way to Paris,I guessed. I was in good form today hitting 133km on this flat highway and was more surprised being allowed to camped at a small piece of grass land by the Shell Station ,while topping up my MSR fuel. I was told there is no hotel until Sofia which is another 100km away,too far to reach before dark at 6.30 pm. There is hot water in the "select" shop and a cafe restaurant , many cars & trucks stop for rest and the station operates on 24 hours ,I felt extra safe to camp here. Tomorrow should be no problem on this highway to Sofia,the capital of Bulgaria.Hopefully Sofia has much to offer.....

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